Complete the sentences in reported speech

Complete the sentences in reported speechComplete the sentences in reported speechComplete the sentences in reported speechComplete the sentences in reported speechComplete the sentences in reported speechComplete the sentences in reported speech
Complete the sentences in reported speechComplete the sentences in reported speechComplete the sentences in reported speechComplete the sentences in reported speechComplete the sentences in reported speechComplete the sentences in reported speech
Complete the sentences in reported speechComplete the sentences in reported speechComplete the sentences in reported speechComplete the sentences in reported speechComplete the sentences in reported speechComplete the sentences in reported speechComplete the sentences in reported speechComplete the sentences in reported speechComplete the sentences in reported speechComplete the sentences in reported speechComplete the sentences in reported speechComplete the sentences in reported speechComplete the sentences in reported speechComplete the sentences in reported speechComplete the sentences in reported speechComplete the sentences in reported speechComplete the sentences in reported speechComplete the sentences in reported speechComplete the sentences in reported speechComplete the sentences in reported speechComplete the sentences in reported speechComplete the sentences in reported speechComplete the sentences in reported speechComplete the sentences in reported speechComplete the sentences in reported speechComplete the sentences in reported speechComplete the sentences in reported speechComplete the sentences in reported speechComplete the sentences in reported speechComplete the sentences in reported speechComplete the sentences in reported speechComplete the sentences in reported speechComplete the sentences in reported speechComplete the sentences in reported speechComplete the sentences in reported speechComplete the sentences in reported speech